

  1. Lim Wan Ching
    January 9, 2011 @ 4:17 am

    I haven’t read Ways to Live Forever yet. But i think it will be a good book by reading your book,Season of Secrets. It’s so great. 🙂


  2. ahcsina
    November 5, 2010 @ 7:04 pm

    ik vindt het boek als je dit leest ben in dood een geweldig boek.


  3. Lily Rosalie Baker
    October 7, 2010 @ 12:21 pm

    Season of secrets is one of my four favourite books, it´s GREAT!
    Molly is a bit like myself and this is amazing.
    I like Emily as well and I hope, there`ll be a film, too.
    Ms. Nicholls, I hope one day, I´ll be able to write as good as you- I want to be an author when I´ßm an adult.
    Yours, Lily, 11 years old


  4. Anuja
    October 3, 2010 @ 10:05 am

    I finished reading Ways to Live Forever, today and it’s like Amazing. I read the Season Of Secrets first; it was amazing, too. Sally Nicholles is my favo now. Both of her books are simply amazing. I’m waiting for your next story.

    I wish you Goodluck for your next book;


  5. Reniece
    May 11, 2010 @ 3:10 pm

    hello sally nicholls
    Do you remember me??? i was a cheerleader at the book awards 2009. if you dont, go on the website. i am the main girl in the 2009 book award stomper pictures. i love your bokks and am soo glad that there will be a film 4 ways 2 live 4 ever:):):):):)
    Lots of love
    Reniece 😉


  6. Диетолог
    April 12, 2010 @ 11:28 am

    Сегодня буду болеть за ЦСКА ! Вперёд, Россия ! 😉 также, жду не дождусь, 10 декабря. когда Реал против нашего Зенита….


  7. Louise Hall
    February 7, 2010 @ 4:03 am

    A perfect read for a snowed in weekend. Loved your book!I am a retired grandmother who still works part time in a middle school here in Maryland. I don’t have much time to read at work ,but I knew a storm was coming , so I went to the media center and picked up this book ,partly because the boy on the cover looks a little like one of the boys that I help at school.Could not put it down and finished it in a day-that’s good for me!I enjoyed sensing the father’s emotions(and fear of showing them). Well written – and you did a good job of helping us get inside the head of a child facing death and gave us some room to think of our own answers to the “questions”. Thanks for a wonderful book! Hope to see the movie! Louise


  8. santi
    January 28, 2010 @ 6:28 am

    yeeehaaa… finally i can ‘read’ it on the screen.. i was hoping that someone would make Ways to Live forever into a very moving movie and i guess my dream comes true 🙂


  9. jaimee
    January 25, 2010 @ 4:49 pm

    omg i am soooo exited about the ways to live forever film becuase i love the book to bits!!!
    for my english homework we had to choose our faverite book and write about it i choose ways to live forever.
    i got ways to live forever last year then my grandma stole it and read it!!!
    i screaed with exitment when i hered about the film and told my mum straight away she went “it will be to sad to go and see that!”

    do you know when the film will be coming out???


  10. Gabby
    January 15, 2010 @ 1:39 am

    I cannot wait to buy Seasons of Secrets when they get it over here in North America! Plus, I’m getting super excited about Ways to Live Forever the Movie; I’m sure it will make me cry but oh well. I actually just bought a copy of my own (Iv’e read the library’s like 8 times). Good luck working on upcoming books!


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