Medieval update, Season of Secrets cover and Ways to Live Forever English trailer
Two website updates in two months … enjoy it while it lasts, because once I get stuck into the editing of the next book, I won’t surface again for months.
The medieval book has been given the green light by Scholastic – hurrah! – and has a provisional title (A WInd From the South) and a provisional release date of some time at the beginning of 2012 (I know, I know, but things always take forever in publishing). I read through it again a few weeks ago, and was horrified at how much work needs doing to it. So that’s what I’m doing at the moment, taking a lot of little scenes and trying to turn them into a book that works.
My American publishers recently sent me a very beautiful hardback edition of ‘Season of Secrets’
Which looks something like this. It’s coming out in America on the 1st of January.
Also coming out on January 1st is the American paperback of ‘Ways to Live Forever’. In Britain, where most children’s books are paperbacks, this feels like a very long time to wait, but I hope you’re all looking forward to it and haven’t minded it taking so long.
And most excitingly of all, after months of me banging on about it, here’s a chance to see a trailer for the ‘Ways to Live Forever’ film:
Doesn’t it look rather wonderful? I hope it all isn’t too different from how you imagined. I’ll let you know as soon as I have a release date.
(Who is enjoying living by a canal in Oxford, with ducks and canal boats and yellow autumn leaves)
Fiona McCormack age 15
March 9, 2011 @ 5:46 pm
Dear Sally Nicholls,
I’m such a huge fan of yours and have read Ways To Live Forever a jillion times! I’m currently reading Season Of Secrets and am writing a script version of Ways To Live Forever. But it’s not a proper film kind, just something me and my cousins wanted to do (though it’s hard to get Eoin [who plays Felix]to cooperate) anyway I just wanted to let you know that your such an inspiriation to me and I look up to you so much!
p.s (I’m a writer too. I write stories long and short and i got a poem published last year)
February 20, 2011 @ 7:45 pm
Hello Sally,
I have just seen the trailer of Ways to Live Forever and I’m hoping that it will also come out in the Netherlands. Looking forward to it 🙂 Nice cover for Season of Secrets, but I prefer the UK one!
Looking forward to new work of you.
Take care,
December 6, 2010 @ 1:33 pm
Hi, congratulations on the trailler. I trust the movie is going to be a huge success. We all in Geração Editorial (Brazilian publisher from Ways to Live Forever and Seasons of Secrets) believe in your talent. I also would like to congratulate you over the beautiful American cover (though I know ours is the prettiest).
Keep always been this sweet and talented girl.
Best wishes,
November 23, 2010 @ 9:52 am
The film actually looks pretty much exactly what was in my head.
I loved the UK cover for season of secrets but now I can’t decide which one I prefer… hmmm