Close Your Pretty Eyes in Gifs
I was trying to think of ways I could tell you about Close Your Pretty Eyes, and I thought it might be fun to do a blurb using gifs. I really enjoyed making this. I hope you enjoy it too.
Close Your Pretty Eyes is about a girl called Olivia.
Olivia has been told that she’s evil, all her life, until she doesn’t know how to believe anything else.
She’s been in foster care on and off since she was a baby, and she’s lived in fifteen different foster placements. None of them worked out.
Olivia has been rejected so many times that she doesn’t know how to trust anyone.
So now she figures that it’s safer to reject people before they reject her.
On the outside, she’s all:
But on the inside, she’s all:
At the start of Close Your Pretty Eyes, Olivia moves in with a new family. At first it’s great. They’re all:
But pretty soon Olivia starts to believe that there’s something wrong in the house.
That it’s haunted.
By the ghost of a Victorian mass-murderess.
A woman called Amelia Dyer.
Amelia Dyer killed about four hundred people over thirty years. And now she’s targeting Olivia. Olivia is convinced that she has a destructive purpose of own.
But her new family think Olivia is making her up.
Olivia does tell lies.
And sometimes she has memories and nightmares that are as powerful as things that are really there.
Olivia does everything she can think of. But Amelia keeps coming.
And Olivia grows more and more afraid.
As the haunting gets worse, Olivia is sure of one thing.
But who’s the real monster – Amelia Dyer, or Olivia herself?
And can Olivia find the courage to face her ghosts before she destroys her last chance at a family?
Buy Close Your Pretty Eyes here.
February 18, 2014 @ 12:46 pm
Brilliant! Totally enjoyed reading this!
A story in GIFs – Close Your Pretty Eyes! | Girls Heart Books
November 7, 2013 @ 9:55 am
[…] Sally has created an amazing visual summary of her book – just CLICK HERE to find out what it’s all about! I ♥ this!TwitterFacebookGoogleMorePinterestPrintEmailLike […]